Author: Amr Magdy

El Safa Sports Day 2015

In the most spectacular day all staff members joined in an outdoor sports day enjoying nature, having fun and a well earned break all together, a contest was held that day and the winning team went home with more than just a good time.
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El Safa yearly Iftar

We gather every Ramadan as usual, All of El Safa employees and all their families for our company's yearly Iftar at our headquarter in Alexandria, the day brought joy and gifts for all our employees, and like every year at the end of the day there was a draw and five lucky employees won fully covered Umrah trips.
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Chamber of Printing and Packaging Industries Iftar 2015

The Chamber of Printing and Packaging Industries held its yearly Ramadan Iftar at Hilton Alexandria with printing industry leaders and pioneers, in an enjoyable and fruitful day, during the ceremony two printing industry pioneers, Mr. Assem Abu Rida and Mr. Kamal Saad were honored for their efforts and contributions to the industry.
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Bibliotheca Alexandrina Digital Printing Seminar

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Arts and Multimedia Library, in collabrotaion with the Chamber of Printing and Packaging Industries, El Safa for printing and packaging, the Faculty of Applied Arts -Helwan University, and PETRA – ETP Printing and Media, organized a lecture in digital printing that was be given by printing and packaging experts under Dr. George Nubar 's supervision and representatives of four major digital printing companies in Egypt with attendees from all of Alexandria print houses.
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Chamber of Printing and Packaging Industries Iftar 2014

The Chamber of Printing and Packaging Industries held its yearly Ramadan Iftar in Alexandria with printing industry leaders and pioneers, Mr. Samir El Bialy and El Safa for Printing and Packaging were honored that day for their constant efforts to further advance the printing and packaging industy in Egypt.
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El Safa students training agreement

As part of our support to the printing industry community we have a training protocol with several schools, universities and institutions including Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria university, Omprozo's Professional Training Center and Muhammad Ali Industrial School, we invite groups of students with their professors to visit our factory for an educational tour to train them and provide employment opportunities to their graduates to help further improve the field.
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Chamber of Printing and Packaging Industries training.

Chamber of Printing and Packaging Industries held four training sessions and workshops for El Safa employees and other printing companies at our headquarters and under our supervision in association with other printing communities, We hosted 38 printing house with 65 trainees and held a ceremony to honor all the participants.
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